Jagotamoy, Surath, and Shana Kelley and group colleagues publish “Reagentless biomolecular analysis using a molecular pendulum” in Nature Chemistry.
Writing in Science, Robert Service features Adnan’s new Joule paper in “Hunt for renewable plastics clears a hurdle: Solving alkalinity problem may help make plastics from CO2, water, and electricity”.
Writing in Science, Robert Service features Adnan’s new Joule paper in “Hunt for renewable plastics clears a hurdle: Solving alkalinity problem may help make plastics from CO2, water, and electricity”.
Prof. Betar Gallant publishes News and Views in Nature Energy titled “Breaking down hidden barriers“ highlighting Geonhui, Chris, and colleagues’ recent paper.
Working with KAUST partners, Bin Chen and Yi Hou publish in Nature Energy “Efficient bifacial monolithic perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells via bandgap engineering.”
Working with KAUST partners, Bin Chen and Yi Hou publish in Nature Energy “Efficient bifacial monolithic perovskite/silicon tandem solar cells via bandgap engineering.”