Ph.D. alumnus Dr. Tom Burdyny (Ph.D. from UofT under supervision of Prof. Dave Sinton, in active collaboration with Sargent group) has joined TU Delft as a faculty member. Tom joined the Department of Chemical Engineering at the Delft University of Technology as a Tenure-track Assistant Professor in July 2019.

Ph.D. alumnus Dr. Tom Burdyny (Ph.D. from UofT under supervision of Prof. Dave Sinton, in active collaboration with Sargent group) has joined TU Delft as a faculty member. Tom joined the Department of Chemical Engineering at the Delft University of Technology as a Tenure-track Assistant Professor in July 2019.

PDF alumnus Michael Ross joined University of Massachusetts Lowell as an Assistant Professor in Chemistry! Mike shared his post-doctoral studies in between Peidong Yang Group (University of California Berkeley) and the Sargent Group. Keep an eye on Ross Research Group!

PDF alumnus Michael Ross joined University of Massachusetts Lowell as an Assistant Professor in Chemistry! Mike shared his post-doctoral studies in between Peidong Yang Group (University of California Berkeley) and the Sargent Group. Keep an eye on Ross Research Group!

Doctoral Alumnus Phil De Luna joins the National Research Council (NRC) Canada as Program Director, Energy Materials Program Challenge

Effective February 18th, 2019, Phil will be taking on the role of Progam Director, Energy Materials Challenge Program at the National Research Council (NRC) of Canada as the youngest Director ever.

This program will focus on the development of new materials that will be used in the production of clean and sustainable energy. As director, Phil will consult with partners and stakeholders on the Program approach, set the outcomes, and build and lead a multi-disciplinary, collaborative research team to develop novel materials to produce clean and sustainable energy over seven years with a budget of $21M.

Today, doctoral alumnus Bernard Kelley Sargent received the gift of Sloth from the research group at the group holiday party at The Rivoli.

Today, doctoral alumnus Bernard Kelley Sargent received the gift of Sloth from the research group at the group holiday party at The Rivoli. They are still getting to know one another (Figure 1a). Sloth will, during the apprenticeship period, complete laser safety training (scheduled for 2024) and chemical safety training (2028).

Post-Doctoral Alumnus Dr. Jongmin Choi joins DGIST in South Korea as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Energy Science & Engineering

Congratulations to Dr. Jongmin Choi, who completed his PDF in the Sargent Group at UofT and who now joins the Department of Energy Science & Engineering as Assistant Professor at DGIST effective Dec 15, 2018.

There Jongmin will focus on developing new classes of nanomaterials to provide solutions for important energy & environmental issues.

This is wonderful news for Jongmin and we wish him every continued success.