Mike, Phil, Yifang, Cao, and Dohyun published a review, “Designing materials for electrochemical carbon dioxide recycling,” in Nature Catalysis.
Professor Dingjiang Xue has attracted Excellent Youth Scientists Funding from National Natural Science Foundation of China. Prof. Xue is a Visiting Professor in the Sargent Group; he is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Professor Dingjiang Xue has attracted Excellent Youth Scientists Funding from National Natural Science Foundation of China. Prof. Xue is a Visiting Professor in the Sargent Group; he is an Associate Professor at the Institute of Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Ph.D. alumnus Dr. Tom Burdyny (Ph.D. from UofT under supervision of Prof. Dave Sinton, in active collaboration with Sargent group) has joined TU Delft as a faculty member. Tom joined the Department of Chemical Engineering at the Delft University of Technology as a Tenure-track Assistant Professor in July 2019.
Ph.D. alumnus Dr. Tom Burdyny (Ph.D. from UofT under supervision of Prof. Dave Sinton, in active collaboration with Sargent group) has joined TU Delft as a faculty member. Tom joined the Department of Chemical Engineering at the Delft University of Technology as a Tenure-track Assistant Professor in July 2019.
PDF alumnus Michael Ross joined University of Massachusetts Lowell as an Assistant Professor in Chemistry! Mike shared his post-doctoral studies in between Peidong Yang Group (University of California Berkeley) and the Sargent Group. Keep an eye on Ross Research Group!
Dr. Peter Aldridge Joins Product Engineering at BlueRock Therapeutics Toronto
PDF alumnus Dr. Xinzheng Lan joins School of Optical and Electronic Information, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, as Professor
Fengwang Li and Phil de Luna featured in Chemistry World articles on artificial photosynthesis.
Congratulations to Dr. Ying Wang on taking up a tenure-stream position at CUHK. Ying’s appointment is in the Department of Chemistry, where she will work on surface electrochemistry with a focus on the understanding of small molecule activation on electrodes. We were fortunate to attract Ying as a post-doctoral fellow 2018-2019; she had earned her Ph.D. with Richard Compton at Oxford and had completed post-doctoral training with Tom Meyer at UNC.
Congratulations to Dr. Ying Wang on taking up a tenure-stream position at CUHK. Ying’s appointment is in the Department of Chemistry, where she will work on surface electrochemistry with a focus on the understanding of small molecule activation on electrodes. We were fortunate to attract Ying as a post-doctoral fellow 2018-2019; she had earned her Ph.D. with Richard Compton at Oxford and had completed post-doctoral training with Tom Meyer at UNC.