Atomic Layer Deposition (ALD) Service

The deposition capabilities of the Savannah S100 Atomic Layer Deposition System (Cambridge NanoTech) will be made available, on a user fee basis, to the University of Toronto community. Deposition services will be available between 9 am and 5 pm, Monday to Friday. Samples will be delivered to, and picked up from, the ALD operator in the Sandford Fleming Building.

The ALD system is capable of depositing metal oxides. We plan to perform ALD with Zn, Ti, and Al oxides.

If you are interested in using the system, please contact Remi Wolowiec at the contact information below with a brief description of your project, the precursors you would like to use and the number of hours requested.

Remi Wolowiec, Technical Specialist.

These fees help cover our variable costs associated with each run, such as reagents, operator time and maintenance. Payment is due 30 days after invoice is sent.

Initial Setup Fee ($100) plus $100/hour of operating time, rounded up to the nearest hour.

If a user wishes to use a new precursor, the user may be asked to pay for the cost of acquiring that precursor.